Saturday, July 5, 2008


...guess who I saw few days? A second to think... Everywhere in my way, along the road..along the trees..along the bush..along blah blah blah~ haha! Desperate of seeing him, even though I do not feel the inconsistence of heart beat, the breathless breeze, the speechless mouth, just a feeling of comfortable. Seems great, didn't I? ^.^

A date might be a wonderful start for me, might also be a horrible start for him. Haha! Torturous action cannot be forfeit, naturally came out from me. :P But, I think everyone would be scare of dating such a 'independent girl' who cannot even take any imperfect characteristic. :;
Many question 'possessed my mind' for a date. Do I really would like to couple up? Am I suitable to be dated? Would I give someone 'walk' into my heart? I'm the one that always STOP giving people chances to possess my time, my heart, my mind, my everything~ Too protective of myself which make me ended up having nothing.

Just after ending a relationship, the bored-ness of life did not bared me. Unfortunately, I'm too selfish to share a 'ME' to other. Anyhow, a dream is still wondering in heaven. ^^

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