Monday, September 8, 2008

Obligation of a STUDENT

A student must attend classes.
A student must study for examination.
A student must complete every homework.

Every human being have less than 20 years to be a student. From the age of 7 till most probable 23 or 24, the duration is not long. It only occupied a little portion of you life time. Although it was a small small portion, the time going though it seems to be sooo long that everyone dislike being a student.

Seriously, 90% of children don't like to study. No one born to love books. Its just an obligation of daily life. Stepping into University does not mean that they are book worms and love books so much that make them score with flying colours. Expecially attending lectures and tutorials, everyone do not want to listen to a 'mengantuk' lecturer with so called 'irritating' smile that was shown. ..or even scolding for the late of class.

But, no one have the choice to avoid. Attending class is an obligation for a student. If you don't attend, its your fault. Don't make it a trouble for others. I seriously dislike it so much. What? Sms-ing me?? Calling me??? What is this? Untill the barring list is out only you instruct this and that?

I also don't like to go for class. Everyone knows, I can't wake up even at 5pm though it is a 8/9am class. Although I'm pysically awake but psychologically I'm still in dreamland. I still follow the time table. Who don't want to sleep without on-ing the alarm clocks, disturbance of the morning cock, awaken by room mate's door cracking sound and so on. People like me even don't like to walk with my legs to campus. But, what can I do? I don't go to class? Am I that hardworking? Frankly speaking, my mind is always absent during the lecture. I'm only there to copy all the notes and take it home. Then it will be freezing under my bed till the day before the examination. Its sound meaningless of attending lectures like that. The attendance that count, I have no choice but to go. I don't trouble people for signing, I also don't hope to signing for others. Therefore, I must always help myself.

Not to say that I'm selfish that I don't help others. I'm the person that always keep to my own principle. So sorry, if I hurt you as a reader of my blog. But, this obligation may not stay any longer. Just a few years and its over. We GAMBETTE together!!!

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